Build Service
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No time to build your keyboard? No problem, let our skilled team build and tune your board so that it is ready to go the moment it arrives.
- Only hotswap PCBs are eligible for the build service.
- The build service is only available to orders which contain a keyboard, switches and stabilizers.
- If you'd like foam included in your build, be sure a foam kit is part of your order. Note: Encore includes foam already.
Lead Time: Allow up to 5 business days for your order to be built and shipped out.
We use a 6.25u spacebar and regular caps lock key on all boards, except for Loop and Tempo boards, which are built with a 7u spacebar.
If included, we use the entire foam kit in the build service.
If you have a specific preference outside of our default build specs, please reach out to support@modedesigns.com